Monday, June 30, 2014

Microsoft Windows Phone will soon put apps in folders

Windows Phone as of now gives you to store apps in Start screen envelopes, yet it has a bit of a hack. You need to use Nokia App Folder to get the feature in the top place, and when you try to open a app it opens another app for you. Microsoft may be closely following this bug to fix as soon as possible. The company has posted guidelines (since pulled) implying that a future modification of Windows Phone 8.1 will incorporate local folder support. Much like ios and some flavors of Android, you'll just need to drag tiles on top of each other to make folder and clean up your home page.

The document article suggests that you'll require "Windows Phone 8.1 Update" to see this new feature, in spite of the fact that its not clear whether this is a reference to the final 8.1 release (anticipated that will arrive this summer) or a fix patch that would appear at sometime later. We've asked Microsoft whether it can shed more light on the subject, yet its now protected to say that the company hasn't demonstrated all its redesign cards simply yet.

Download: App Folder for Windows Phone on the Windows Phone Store

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